About Us
Get to know who we are and what we're about!
EWP Physical Therapy's staff has over 28 years of experience. Our team includes Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, and a Nutritionist.The staff specializes in: Total joint Replacement, CHF, Heart Disease/Surgeries, Lymphedema, Kineso-taping, Myofascia Release, Manual Therapy, Certified Aquatics, Diabetes, Orhotic Fabrication and Sports specific Performance Training.
Cathy Rami, PT
Cathy Rami (Lawson), P.T. Has practiced physical theirapy for 17 years. She specializes in Aquatic therapy, lymphedema management, and cardiac Physical therapy. Cathy, a 1994 graduate of Louisiana State University Medical Center-New Orleans, is the owner of Eclipse Wellness and Performance, LLC located in Baton Rouge, LA. She has special training in Ktineso - taping, myofascia release, Diabetes, Arthritis, Total Joint rehabilitation, and is a Certified Aquatics Instructor. Cathy works with the ExxonMobil YMCA Community health Awarness Program.
Meet Our Staff
Dr. Tonja Latham, DPTDr.
Tonja Latham, P.T. has practiced physical therapy for approximately 17 years. She has approximately 12 years of practice in various outpatient physical therapy settings. Ten of these years have been in the occupational injury setting. Dr Latham completed a handbook of clinical Utiization for worker's compensation providers, which is currently being submitted for mass publication..